Editorial Policy

We started Fashion Universe(www.fashionuniverse.net) and Pakistani Drama Celebrities in 2014, at that time there were no other proper sources of celebrities news for the people of Pakistan, so we started, and now with the hard work of our team, we are one of the top celebrities news and updates publisher in Pakistan with Facebook Page (facebook.com/celebrities747) followers of 1.8 million (approx). Our audience is mostly from Pakistan and other countries as well. we provide value to our audience

Our Main Content 

We cover the following topics in our online E-Magazine at www.fashionuniverse.net 

Latest Events
Pakistani dramas News
Pakistani Film News and Updates
Pakistani Awards
Fashion Events
Pakistani Drama Celebrities News
Celebrities Weddings 
Transparency & False Information 

Our Editorial policy follows the principles of transparency, integrity, and ethics. our writers at www. fashionuniverse.net first verify the information then publish it. we also made minor corrections if needed in published articles by the authorization of the Author. 

Our writers work hard to give our audience the true information with the source, we post articles about the latest news of Pakistani drama and the Film Industry. we get Information direct from our celebrities who provide us the details of current events and news about them which we post on our website.

our Author’s team follow all the policies and they also regularly follow the Fact Check Platforms in Pakistan https://factcheck.afp.com/ and  https://www.sochfactcheck.com/

For Details of our Author’s please check the page Editorial Staff and for more information email us at admin@fashionuniverse.net